Working Students
Working Professionals
Self Employed
Interest Rate Policy
Determines interest rates of mPokket loans
Fair Practice Code
Our customer-centric principles
Code of Conduct
For mPokket's Collection-Recovery agents
Grievance Redressal Policy
Our framework to resolve customer complaints
Terms & Conditions
Guidelines governing mPokket services
Ombudsman Scheme
RBI Scheme for customer grievance redressal
Privacy & Data Storage Policy
Securing data and respecting your privacy
CSR Policy
Bringing our CSR commitments to life
Corporate Governance Policy
Principles driving our corporate governance
Nomination & Remuneration Policy
Framework for remuneration of employees
Related Party Transaction Policy
Complying with applicable laws and rules
Penal Charge Policy
Determines penal charges as per RBI rules
Policy on Appointment of Statutory Auditors
Transparent policy based on RBI guidelines
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Loan by Income
1. Low Salaried
Loan by Profession
1. Student
2. Salaried
Loan by Purpose
1. Emergency
2. Shopping
3. Travel
4. Skill Building
5. Home Renovation
Loan by Region
1. Bangalore
2. Hyderabad
3. Delhi NCR
4. Chennai
5. Mumbai
6. Kerala
7. Kochi
8. Pune
9. Trivandrum
10. Surat
11. Jaipur
12. Coimbatore
13. Ahmedabad
14. Guwahati
15. Pondicherry
16. Jodhpur
17. Noida
18. Nashik
19. Gurgaon
21. Bhubaneswar
22. Calicut
23. Goa
24. Jalandhar
25. Mangalore
26. Jabalpur
Loan Type
1. Cash Loans
2. Easy Loans
3. Quick Loans
4. Short Term Loan
5. Instant Loan
Loan by Ticket Size
Loans Based on Intent
Loans for Business
Loans on Aadhar Card